The advancement and empowerment of Latinos/as in higher education is an important part of the mission of the NASPA Latino Knowledge Community. Through Blogging La Voz, we provide you resources and updates, in addition to what we provide through the newsletter. From this, we hope you will continue the dialogue that we believe to be important to the continued progress of our community.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

New to the NASPA Conference Experience?

Laura Valdez returns again as a guest writer for our blog to give new professionals or new attendees for NASPA some tips for this year's 2010 Conference in Chicago!

I will always remember going to my first NASPA conference and being overwhelmed by the size of the hotel and the conference itself. Here are a few tips for making it a manageable and fulfilling experience, and not overwhelming.

Whether you are attending alone or with colleagues from your campus, you should go to one or two social events to informally network with Latino/as from other campuses. Eating alone can be so lonely especially when everyone else seems to be gathering in groups, so venture out and attend a social. The LKC is filled with many people eager to network with colleagues.
Here are some helpful hints that we can pass along in advance.

- Use the itinerary builder on to tame the conference agenda monster, otherwise the large list of activities can be daunting
- Bring comfortable shoes (Place vanity aside and leave the fashionable yet uncomfortable shoes behind!)
- Pack business attire. You never know when you are about to meet your future boss at these conferences
- Attend the LKC events. It’s a great way to meet a community within a large setting
- Pack a lot of business cards and be prepared to network. When you receive a business card, write a “note to self” to recall where you met this new contact
- Meals are not included in the conference, but there are receptions or exhibit hall events with some light food
- Get plenty of rest so that you can make it to all your planned events
- There is a free cybercafé, so you do not have to bring your laptop
- Be prepared for a great experience
- Did I say, come to an LKC event?

I hope to see you in Chicago!