Thursday, October 24, 2013

LKC Awards: Call for Nomination

In keeping with the tradition of the Latino/a Knowledge Community, we are seeking nominations for the annual Mena-Valdez Awards Ceremony to take place at the 2014 NASPA conference in Baltimore, Maryland. The awards ceremony provides an opportunity for the LKC to recognize outstanding individuals within our community and those who have helped our community to flourish.

We are seeking nominations for the following awards:
  • Amigo Award
  • Outstanding New Program
  • Outstanding Faculty Award
  • Outstanding Graduate Student Award
  • Outstanding New Professional Award
  • Outstanding Mid-Level Professional Award
  • Outstanding Senior Student Affairs Officer
To learn more about the awards, please visit the LKC awards page.
To nominate someone for an award, please submit a letter of nomination along with the nominee's current resume or CV to Amanda Flores at

Nominations are due by Friday, November 1, 2013

Mena-Valdez Award Ceremony – Brief History

Salvador Mena and Laura Valdez served as the inaugural national co-chairs of the Latino/a Knowledge Community. Both were instrumental in creating, establishing, and advancing Latino/a issues, concerns, and the agenda. As the inaugural co-chairs, we acknowledge and honor them with the official naming of this award ceremony.

Book Review: Latino Change Agents in Higher Education: Shaping a System that Works for All

In a 2008 article in the chronicle of higher education written by Peter Schmidt, “Higher Education is in flux as demographics change, a federal report shows,” the following is written:
        “Despite the growing diversity at colleges, however, the nation’s minority populations continue to face major educational obstacles, cautions the report, titled “The Condition of Education 2008.” Compared with other minority groups, Hispanic students remain underrepresented in colleges and universities, largely because many of them are immigrants who have poor English skills and attend schools in low-income areas. “

It has been reported that 14.1% of the undergraduates in institutions of education identify Latino/a. With this increasingly changing demographic, there is a call for reform on education that addresses this influx of underrepresented populations that are entering in to our schools, and especially those of higher education. This topic is covered and ideas are shared on some best practices in the book entitled, “Latino Change Agents in Higher Education: Shaping a System that Works for All.” It’s a beneficial read for all educators, and not just those who also identify as Latino/a, but it is best to first teach us in order to prepare to teach others. 

 In this book, the voices of eleven Latino change agents are collected and compounded into twelve essays that address the demographics, concerns or problems, needs, strategy, and insight to change the system of higher education. These twelve essays are divided into four parts: “The Past Cannot Be the Future”; “Systemic Change, Si: Special Add-On Program, No”; “A Bright Future Necesita Un Grito Fuerte” and “Beginning the Work of Reshaping Higher Education.” Within each of the four parts are between 2-3 essays.
In the first part the struggles of educating Latino students effectively is demonstrated. The essays discuss an overhaul of the curriculum that is deemed necessary in order best serve the needs of the students. In taking a look at the curriculum it is necessary to focus on the content that is taught, rethinking if the content continues to be relevant to the student population it’s trying to reach.

Going through to the second part there are examples of states that have made attempts to reform their educational systems as seen in California’s Master Plan for Higher Education  but with it being more than 50 years old, there is no doubt that it’s outdated.   The environment in which Latino students are not being challenged to achieve academic success and get higher degrees is said to be due to the lack of role models for these students. They often do not see of what they can aspire to be. There is a call made out to the formed Latino organizations to gather and increase their presence, as they can play the most pivotal roles in being change agents. With the coming together of these various organizations we can begin to use our untapped talent. 

In the third part of the topic of the physical environments of the Latino communities is discussed and the need to increase a sense of ownership for those living in these areas. Increase a sense of ownership by becoming political and activists in the spirit of uplifting their community. Another key element is to act proactively to the issues in these communities, rather than be reactive to them as they appear. A way to tackle this is working on the root causes and working on those to establish a strong foundation from which the community can grow stronger as other issues are solved. With strong communities and leaders that invest in their citizens can in turn address the lack of knowing as seen in a lot of Latino households where the opportunities for higher education are just not known about. In another essay in this section of the book, the lack of information that parents possess is a major issue. These parents are not aware of the opportunities that their child can obtain because it’s not something that is widely publicized to the parents. 

In the last part, one of the essays outlines the qualities that a good leader should naturally have. In this section the topic of commitment is discussed, the time commitment that a leader must be willing to put in to the change they want to see if not only in hours and days, but more in years. It is said that a leader will only make a real change that is worth noting if they stick to it for five years. Anything less may not be permanent results. Think about educators in higher education and how often in an attempt to move up the educational ladder, we change positions before these five year marks.  These changes are sometimes to other institutions, showing that in order to make real progress in any environment we must commit to it at least five years. 

In this book, authors from all over contributed to unify the vision that would address the needs of the changing demographics. In reading this book, one must believe that the current educational system is broken. The content is no longer reflective of the ever changing student population that we see in our classrooms and/or offices. 

While the full weight of creating a new system that allows Latino students to succeed should not fall on us, if we aren’t willing to be the first to yell out for a call of action- who will do it for us? 


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Leaning In Without Losing Self

The summer of 2013 was an exciting one for me both personally and professionally – I got engaged and I presented for the first time at the NASPA Region II conference in New York City with a colleague.  Our roundtable discussion focused on Women’s Issues and discussed topics such as work-life balance, personal and professional successes (educational achievements, awards and promotions).  

In preparation for the roundtable, I read several journal articles as well as books and had conversations with other colleagues and other professional women.  One of the books I read was 'Lean In' by Sheryl Sandberg. 
Like so many others, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and after reading it, I figured I would start “leaning in” in every aspect of my life.  Well, the first question that came to mind was “What does it mean to “lean in?”  In my case, it meant to become more confident, to adopt new roles, face new challenges, and perhaps, even take a more masculine approach to my career and personal life...But, in reality, I was really dismissing my values and roots.  

As a Latina-American woman who was raised in a traditional household - I come from culture where traditional gender roles are not just adhered to but are embraced.  As is well known, the man is the one who is expected to be strong, dominant, and provider for the family. Naturally, other questions began to emerge - What was I trying to prove? Would I forget about those ideals after reading this book?-.  I love my new role as a fiance and take a tremendous amount of pride into every aspect of it. So, I wonder, “Why not transform the traditional roles by committing to being partners? “Why not also be strong and be a provider?”

I ask these questions because it seems that “leaning in” has been interpreted as being dominant and maybe, even rigid? What does it mean to other professional Latina-American women?

About the Author:

Katherine Aguirre is a Counselor/Assistant Professor at Suffolk County Community College, the largest community college in the state of New York.   Katherine is responsible for academic advisement, recruiting new students, and developing programs and initiatives to increase the retention and graduation rates of the underrepresented student population. In 2011, Katherine was a recipient of the “Top 30 Professionals Under 30 Award” presented by the Huntington Chamber of Commerce.    

She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Dowling College, a Masters Degree in Counseling from CW Post-Long Island University and a Post-Graduate Degree from St. John’s University.   She is currently in an Educational Administration Doctoral program at St. John’s University.  Her research intends to focus on developmental coursework and first-generation Latino/a  college students. She has presented at SUNY CDO Conference, NASPA Region II conference and is an active member of ACUI, NASPA and LILTA. 


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

NASPA 2014 in Baltimore, MD

NASPA announces a fresh, innovative approach to the NASPA Annual Conference that will redefine and surpass expectations from any previous conference experience! The event is a four-day gathering of student affairs professionals who come together to learn, grow, and be inspired. Whether you’re presenting or an active participant, the NASPA Annual Conference is the single best professional development and networking opportunity for you.

The 2014 NASPA Annual Conference will be in Baltimore, Maryland this year. Early bird prices end on January 10, 2014.

As you register for the NASPA Annual Conference, consider joining the Latino/a Knowledge Community for their annual pre-conference.

Thanks to Chris Medrano for taking this picture of the LKC NASPA 2013 Pre-Con group!